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Alistair Gray is a Director of SRA. His interests are time series (seasonal adjustment, forecasting, robust estimation) and sample surveys (design and analysis of repeated surveys, replicated variance estimation). (CV, publication list)

David Harte is a Director of SRA. His interests are statistical analysis, fractals, point processes, analysis of earthquake sequence data and time varying earthquake risk. (CV, publications, talks)  

Robert Davies is a Director of SRA. His interests are statistical analysis particularly in non-standard situations, computer methods in statistics and time-series analysis. Robert has now retired from commercial work. (publication list and CV - pdf file, abstracts of papers)

Peter Thomson is a Distinguished Associate of SRA and Adjunct Professor at Victoria University of Wellington. His interests are time-series analysis, forecasting, spectral analysis, seasonal adjustment and signal processing. Peter has now retired from commercial work. (publication list and CV - pdf file)

John Maindonald is a Contract Associate of SRA. His interests are statistical data analysis, the R statistical system, design and analysis of experiments, analysis of gene expression data and statistical computation. John has now retired from commercial work. (Short CV, CV and publication list - pdf file)

Ray Brownrigg is an Honorary Associate of SRA. Ray has now retired. (CV)


Statistics Research Associates Limited, 8 Bristol Street, Island Bay, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand
phone: + 64-21 610 569; www: