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May 2024:

John Maindonald's latest book with John Braun and Jeffrey Andrews has just been published by Cambridge University Press.  See here for details and a 20% discount code if you order from Cambridge University Press  Or you can can buy digital versions from Amazon or Cambridge University Press (don't know if you can get the discount on the digital version).

April 2022:

We have appointed Peter Thomson as a Distinguished Associate of Statistics Research Associates as a mark of our thanks and appreciation of his work since the company's inception, his exceptional research record, and his collegial help and advice to all.

October 2020:

Peter Thomson has stepped down as a Director but remains an Associate and an active member of the company.

David Harte has been appointed as a Director of the company.

We have appointed Ray Brownrigg as an Honorary Associate. Ray carried out contract work though the company over the last 18 years but has now retired. The Honorary Associate status maintains our links with Ray while acknowledging his retired status.

September 2019:

David Harte has returned to being a full time Associate of SRA.

April 2018:

We celebrated David VJ's 82nd birthday and the visit of Valerie Isham with lunch at the Waimea Restaurant. Here are a couple of photos:

Valerie And David





February 2017:

David Harte has rejoined SRA as an Associate. He is part-time with us; part-time with GNS.

July 2016:

We are delighted to welcome John Maindonald to SRA. John is a long standing friend and colleague who brings a wide range of skills and experience to SRA in the areas of statistical theory and practice, particularly in a biological setting, and statistical computation especially with the R statistical package. He has two well-regarded books and numerous publications. See the staff page for more details.

May 2013:

David Harte has left SRA to take up full time employment at GNS Science. David has been a valued member of SRA for the last 13 years and we wish him well.

To recognise his contribution and to maintain our contact with him we have appointed him as an "Honorary Associate". This is a purely honorary position and carries no obligations on either side. David remains a shareholder of SRA.

His SRA email address should still work. He is available to do a little contract work, but this will be through GNS Science.


Please see here for archive of DVJ Seminar Series 2011-12

For books by SRA staff members see here.

Statistics Research Associates Limited, 8 Bristol Street, Island Bay, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand
phone:  + 64-21 610 569; www: