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Statistics Research Associates Limited

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SRA is an independent company located in Wellington, New Zealand, carrying out consulting, research, and training in statistical analysis.

SRA is slowly winding down as its members age and morphing into a social group for old colleagues. However, Alistair Gray and David Harte are still available for commercial  consulting projects.

Alistair is available for analysis of surveys, particularly specialist surveys, interpretation of statistical data and analysis of time-series data.

David is available for analysis of time-series data, particularly point processes especially as these relate to geophysical hazards.

Robert Davies, Peter Thomson and John Maindonald are retired from commercial projects but Peter, particularly has ongoing research projects with former colleagues.

John Maindonald's latest book with John Braun and Jeffrey Andrews has just been published by Cambridge University Press.  See here for details and a 20% discount code if you order from Cambridge University Press  Or you can can buy digital versions from Amazon or Cambridge University Press (don't know if you can get the discount on the digital version).

Statistics Research Associates Limited, 8 Bristol Street, Island Bay, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand
phone:  + 64-21 610 569; www: